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  • Waipuna aa rangi

Waipuna aa rangi welcomes commitment to safe and reliable water services for all

Waipuna aa rangi welcomes the Government’s announcement made today that will retain focus on ensuring the nation’s water infrastructure is brought up to scratch.

“The priority of this work has—and must always be—to ensure water infrastructure across the motu is safe and reliable,” says Chair of Waipuna aa rangi, Tukoroirangi Morgan.

“To have communities, especially those within our rohe, where drinking water does not meet international benchmarks, is an abject failure.

“We are satisfied that Te Mana o Te Wai will be entrenched in the new structure and remain a priority. It also sets the pathway for other community interest groups to be reflected in priority statements, which will help inform the strategic direction of these entities.

“We acknowledge the Government’s continued commitment to regional representative groups and we look forward to progressing our work in partnership with council representatives,” Tukoroirangi says.


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