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$177,500 distributed to support Tāmaki and Te Tai Tokerau organisations

Waipuna aa rangi

Waipuna aa rangi has announced the distribution of $177,500 between community organisations across Tāmaki and Te Tai Tokerau to support those who have been providing on the ground relief throughout recent weather events.

“It is a big responsibility to ensure water services across our rohe are safe, and one we take very seriously,” says Chair of Waipuna aa rangi, Tukoroirangi Morgan.

“Even though the failing water infrastructure that exacerbated flooding across Tāmaki Makaurau and Te Tai Tokerau is not of our making, we are doing what we can to support recovery efforts.”

In total, 34 organisations have been approved for funding from Manaaki Tangata, the emergency flood relief fund established by Waipuna aa rangi, in place of its postponed launch.

“There is no doubt that the increase in extreme weather events facing Aotearoa is a result of climate change” Tukoroirangi says. “Waipuna aa rangi is steadfast in our mandate to ensure water infrastructure can cope with these impacts into the future.”

Community organisations to receive support include local marae as well as hapū and iwi who stepped up frontline services during the red weather warning across parts of Northland and Tāmaki Makaurau.

Waipuna aa rangi looks forward to seeing whānau and friends at their stall at Te Matatini this coming wiki. A full list of recipients can be found here.

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